The SUG Blog

2024 Holiday Prep

Daniel Tejada By Daniel Tejada | Published on Oct 02, 2024 | 10 min read

Holiday Shopping On Amazon

As the holiday season approaches, Amazon brands face one of the most critical sales periods of the year. With consumer spending peaking during November and December, preparing for this surge is essential to capturing increased demand and driving revenue growth. Holiday sales, including key events like Black Friday and Fall Prime, allow brands to gain visibility, engage new customers, and boost their overall presence on Amazon.

Many brand owners focus on their retail holiday strategy when many shoppers have shifted to online shopping. “Mobile devices overtook desktop this holiday season, accounting for 51.1% of online spend for the holiday season and amounting to a record $113.5 billion.”
- Adobe Digital Index (2023)

With this in mind, how should the top CPG brands prepare for the increased visibility of the holiday season? Here are Straight Up Growth’s Holiday Prep guides, with tips on improving your images and other listing optimization tips, along with advertising secrets from our co-founder Daniel Tejada. 

Overall eCommerce Strategy

Holiday Peak Prep Unpacked - Webinar with Unsociable and Avenue Z 

Join our eCommerce expert roundtable featuring AvenueZ, Unsociable and Straight Up Growth to unpack the latest Q4 trends and insights to guide your holiday strategy and maximize peak success

  • Bid Strategy Tips: Focus on the highest volume and value bids during holiday event days for better each
  • Creative Preparation: Brands should prepare 12-15 creatives, mixing new and top-performing content to maximize engagement
  • Halo Effect: A successful Amazon strategy can uplift sales across all channels, creating a beneficial cycle 


Holiday Content Guide 

Straight Up Growth Content Department 

61% of holiday shoppers were more likely to purchase from brands that provided personalized holiday-themed promotions. Consumers responded positively to ads that reflected festive imagery, holiday-specific deals, and messaging tied to the season.
- Google’s Insights on Holiday Marketing (2020)

Here's our easy and comprehensive guide to upgrading your holiday content, with a few examples! 


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